Thursday, June 1, 2017

Tuesday In Kilkenny

Master Craftsman, Tom, demonstrated his method of making a hurl in his shop. Hurl is the stick used to play the game of hurling, which has been played by the Irish for 2000 years.

Our Program Director, Rory, and Jim, both hurling team members, 
explained the game and demonstrated many moves.


Dee and Kim never pass up an opportunity to greet a dog!

Kim showed us his hurling skills.


On our city walking tour, Rory is showing us the statue
 dedicated to all who hurl for Kilkenny.


The group in front of Kilkenny Castle which is 800 years old.

The name of this place is Hole In The Wall, so we had to check it out. 
It was small, hot and had no music! We left.

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